Life Lessons

Strange Coincidence or God’s Providence?

“Mom, come quickly! Robert’s mom needs help!”
“But Johnny,” said Sarah, “I’ve never met her. We can’t just barge into her house uninvited.”
“Her name is Ms. Mary and she’s hurt!”

Sarah rushed out the door and followed her 10-year-old son, assuming he was exaggerating.

For the past several months since the new family moved into the neighborhood, she planned to deliver them a cake to welcome them.

Unfortunately, life got in the way, and she never did.

Little Robert, who stood at the front door, directed them to the bedroom, were the woman lay on the floor.

“Please help me!” she cried hysterically. “My husband wants to kill me!”

Her eyes were swollen shut and her lips were bleeding.

Without giving it a second thought, Sarah helped her grab a few of their belongings and directed them back to her house.

Mary and her son stayed with their neighbors while she filed for divorce and was granted an order of protection against her abusive husband.

During that time, Sarah shared the love and hope found in Jesus, and a beautiful friendship was born.

She hosted Mary in her house for six weeks.

Unbeknownst to Sarah, Cindy, her newlywed sister who lived across the country, also suffered from abuse.

The seemingly perfect, loving boyfriend turned into an abusive monster as soon as they got married. Among other things he kept her locked in the house, without a phone or money.

One cold, winter day, the young woman escaped through a window while her husband was at work, with only the clothes on her back.

Confused, terrified and hungry, she walked the streets until she found a small café that offered free coffee.

“Cindy, is that you? Are you ok?” It was a lady in her online Bible study.

“Hi,” Cindy responded shyly, “I didn’t know you worked here. I never come to this part of town.”

“I own this café,” she explained as she sat down. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”

Cindy reluctantly confided in her.

“You’re coming home with me,” she said as held Cindy’s hand. “You can stay as long as necessary. By the way, my husband is an attorney so he can help you file for an order of protection.”

Cindy also decided to get a divorce and move on with her life. Her new friend gave her a job in her café and helped her rent a small apartment.

The café owner hosted Cindy for exactly six weeks.

The two women lived the same nightmare on opposite sides of the country.

Sarah helped a stranger out of kindness and compassion.

She had no idea that another stranger was doing the same thing for her sister, at the same time and for the same length of time.

Strange coincidence or God’s providence?

What do you think?

He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the Lord,

And the Lord will repay him for his good deed. Prov. 19:17 (AMP)