Messages from Heaven

Restoration Project- Kintsugi Style

“Can you tell me a little more about that restoration business?” I asked my niece.
“Well,” she smiled “Technically it’s the repair or renovation of works that have already sustained decay with the attempt to restore a work to its original, undamaged appearance”(
I grabbed another cup of coffee and sank in my favorite chair to savor my improvised lecture.
“But there are other techniques used to restore pieces. Have you ever heard of Kintsugi?”

Knowing that her hospital administrator aunt has limited knowledge of the art world, she barely paused for my response.

“It’s a Japanese technique where they take broken pottery and instead of trying to put it together seamlessly, they repair the pieces with gold. This comes from the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections, you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art

Our conversation ended with a promise for more art lessons later.

The Bible talks about the Lord as the Potter Who created us to be vessels for His glory. Unfortunately, we all suffer from a broken heart at some point (or many points) throughout our lifetime.

We put a band aid over it by eating, drinking, shopping and the like. However, the pain, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness and all the negative emotions associated with it may not completely disappear.

This makes it practically impossible to experience peace and joy.

Thankfully, we don’t have to live like broken vessels.

Psalm 147:3 says that the Lord heals the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.

The same hands that created us are waiting for a chance to kiss our wounds and heal our pain. Just like the Japanese fill the pieces with gold, our Master Restorer fills our wounds with His Spirit.

The wounds in our heart might not disappear, but the brokenness previously buried under the dirt of negativity are filled with forgiveness, peace and joy.

Our painful wounds become scars that shine as testimonies of His grace and lovingkindness,

and we become God’s vessels that offer hope and help restore others that’re broken as well.

The good news is that we don’t have to be perfect or do everything right to deserve it.

Jesus cannot love us more than He loves us right now and He cannot love us any less than He loves us right now.

All we need to do is surrender our broken self to Him and watch Him restore us, not to the way we were, but stronger and much more beautiful than before.

He’s just four words away: Jesus, I need You