
A Smile from Heaven

“Hurry up and pray to Jesus for a wish before midnight!” I said as we followed our New Year’s tradition.
Both girls closed their eyes tight whispering with praying hands.
“What’d you ask for, what’d you ask for!” they inquired of each other.
“I want a Barbie doll house,” said my youngest excitedly.
“I want a baby brother!” declared the oldest as she jumped up and down.
“What?” I bolted as if stung by a wasp.

“Are you sure you don’t want something else, like a puppy, or a fish or a toy?”

Putting her hand on her hip she said, “It’s my wish and my prayer to Jesus and I can ask for whatever I want”

“Ok, but don’t be sad if you don’t get it!” My husband and I looked at each other and gulped.

He was three years into a 5-year medical fellowship program.  His twelve hour shifts and long commute forced him to leave the house before sunrise and he returned after the girls were asleep.

We moved from a small town surrounded by a large family and old friends to a metropolitan city where we didn’t know a single soul. The emotional and physical burden was so heavy that we had decided that two children would be our limit.

Our oldest was six-years old and youngest was three and a half.

I enrolled my toddler in a Mothers’ Day Out Program at our church, which gave me a couple of hours of freedom to join a Bible Study and make new friends.

The loneliness that had pressed my sleep deprived, tired mama heart for the last two years were finally starting to dissipate.

On Valentine’s Day I received an unexpected gift: a black cross in a white box.

Except it wasn’t a piece of jewelry, but a positive mark on a pregnancy test.

After our initial shock, we decided to tell the girls.

“I knew it” said the oldest as she played with her baby doll.

“Who told you? “I stared at my husband, but he shook his head.

“No one mommy, I just asked Jesus and He listens to little girls,” she said confidently.

Several months later Jesus granted her a baby brother.

He heard my prayers too, as our boy turned out to be the easiest baby of all three of our children. He has brought indescribable joy, love and laughter to our family.

Luckily, I got plenty of help from my new friends from church, so I continued with my activities and even added new ones.

My husband’s training got a little easier at the end, so he was able to help me with some chores and play with the children.

As I reflect on my memories of that New Year’s Eve wish 23 years ago, I can’t help but rejoice in God’s loving kindness, His tender mercies and His never-ending grace

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55: 8 “For My thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.

He knows what we need and what we will face and He’s already there to provide everything necessary for us to survive and to thrive.

So, this Christmas season I encourage you to not only embrace Jesus as your Savior but also trust Him as your Provider, Protector, Healer and Friend.

PS- Be careful if you let the children in your life make special wishes.

Jesus might just answer those prayers and send you a smile from heaven!