Discovering Jesus…This Season
“What does your platform look like?” I looked around to make sure nobody heard my response. “I don’t have one.” The young publisher looked at my children’s book synopsis and my motivational story before returning them to me. “You need to work on that,” she said kindly. “You won’t find a traditional publisher that will take your stories without social media followers.” My heart sank. How do I do it? Where do I start? It was my first Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference, and it was exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. That afternoon I attended a class where the speaker said: “A platform is a way…
To Wish or to Hope, that is the Question
“Happy New Year!” Our family and friends sang in unison as we slammed the door on 2022. “Make a wish everybody!” someone chanted. “Let’s hope for a great 2023!” Early the next morning, I plopped in my favorite chair with a gigantic cup of coffee, my Bible and journal. Two words resounded from the night before: “wish” and “hope.” I wondered which one was the best to use to usher in the new year, so I went to Google. Wish is to have a desire for (something, such as something unattainable, unlikely to happen. (merriam-webster.com) Hope as “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen; a…
When all that’s Left is a Naked Tree
“Happy New Year!” Our house exploded with family and friends hugging and wishing each other the best of everything. As much as I enjoyed the celebrations and gift-giving, I was ready to put everything away and start the new year in a clean and tidy house. Early the next morning I went room by room, putting everything away, living the tree for last. “You missed an ornament,” my husband said pointing to the center of the tree. It was a nativity scene ornament, a gift from some dear friends, hiding behind some branches. “Poor thing,” he added, “Just last night it was shining so bright. After removing the ornaments and…
The Great Exchange
“Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” my husband rushed into the kitchen. We grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the kitchen table. The race track was set. On the left: boxes and wrapping paper. On the right: scissors and tape. Pine scented candles and holiday music served as happy spectators. The oven timer served as the referee that would blow his whistle in the two hours, right before the kids came home from school. “On your mark, get set, go!” he laughed. “And remember to save the receipts in case we have to return anything.” As the race against time began, I admired the gifts. We carefully…
Lessons from a Pie
“My tummy hurts!” my little niece cried as she threw herself on the couch. “I wonder why you didn’t eat your dinner?” her mom asked, picking up the empty pie dish from the floor. “Turkey and veggies are not as good as dessert!” The adults in the room struggled to keep a straight face. “Honey, not everything we eat, or drink is good for us. Some foods make us strong, and some can make us weak or sick, especially if we eat too much of it!” She rubbed her tummy and dried her tears. “I know how she feels,” I said, holding my own stomach. “I know nobody wants to…