Life Lessons

Do you know how to Rest in Motion?

  • My life was turned upside down almost three weeks ago  when my dad died unexpectedly. Even though my gratitude for him not suffering is immense, my heart is limping from that chunk that was ripped off when he left. Right now my family and I are trying to navigate through this storm that took us by surprise. It’s time to practice what a fishing trip taught me a long time ago: How to rest in motion.  Except this time it’s God’s edition.….

Blue skies kissed the clear ocean water in the horizon. I grabbed my sunscreen, beach towel and camera and picked a spot on the front of the boat. It was my first deep sea fishing trip and my heart skipped and jumped.

My best friend from middle school sat next to me and smiled.

“My mom packed some food for us. Also, there’s a cabin inside if you get tired or woozy.”

“No way,” I said. “I want to get a tan and take pictures like the girl in the Titanic movie.”

I closed my eyes to enjoy the warm sea air on my face. I wished that day would never end.

Until an unexpected summer shower interrupted my perfect day.

Tall waves and strong winds pushed the boat up and down and side-to-side, and so did my insides.

“Are you alright?” my friend placed a hand on my shoulder. “You look pale.”

Suddenly, my breakfast refused to stay in my stomach.

She led me to the small cabin and called her dad.

“You need to lie down and try to sleep until the storm passes,” he said. “The key is to rest in motion.”

I tried to obey his suggestion, but it sounded like a complete oxymoron.

Many hours and dozens of saltine crackers later we made it back to shore.

It’s been decades since that unpleasant day, and I’ve never accepted another deep sea fishing invitation.

I stored my experience in the not-so-exciting-folder of the mind, until a few days ago, when I read the parable about Jesus on the boat in Matthew 8:24-26

Then, without a warning, a furious storm arose on the lake, so that waves were sweeping over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.  They came and roused him saying, “Sir! Help! We’re about to die! He said to them, “Why are you afraid? So little trust you have?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and there was dead calm. CJB

How could Jesus sleep peacefully in the middle of a storm?

Memories of that awful day flooded my heart, especially my friend’s dad’s statement:


A light bulb turned on in my head.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace had the power to stop the winds and the storm. All the disciples had to do was trust in Him. Fear and dread overtook them because they forgot Who was with them.

So, when a furious storm arises in our life without a warning and when we’re attacked by unexpected circumstances that threaten to sink us with fear, anxiety and worry we need to STOP and look around.

Instead of running around whining and complaining like the disciples did, lets run to Jesus.

Let’s surrender it all at His feet, trusting in His love, being grateful for His faithfulness and focusing our minds on His promises- until the storm passes.

Hebrews 11:1 Trusting is being confident of what we hope for, convinced about things we do not see. CJB

This, to me, is the perfect picture of resting.

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