• Messages from Heaven

    Restoration Project- Kintsugi Style

    “Can you tell me a little more about that restoration business?” I asked my niece. “Well,” she smiled “Technically it’s the repair or renovation of works that have already sustained decay with the attempt to restore a work to its original, undamaged appearance”(britannica.com) I grabbed another cup of coffee and sank in my favorite chair to savor my improvised lecture. “But there are other techniques used to restore pieces. Have you ever heard of Kintsugi?” Knowing that her hospital administrator aunt has limited knowledge of the art world, she barely paused for my response. “It’s a Japanese technique where they take broken pottery and instead of trying to put it…

  • Motherhood

    A Smile from Heaven

    “Hurry up and pray to Jesus for a wish before midnight!” I said as we followed our New Year’s tradition. Both girls closed their eyes tight whispering with praying hands. “What’d you ask for, what’d you ask for!” they inquired of each other. “I want a Barbie doll house,” said my youngest excitedly. “I want a baby brother!” declared the oldest as she jumped up and down. “What?” I bolted as if stung by a wasp. “Are you sure you don’t want something else, like a puppy, or a fish or a toy?” Putting her hand on her hip she said, “It’s my wish and my prayer to Jesus and…

  • Motherhood

    The Great Exchange

    “Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” my husband rushed into the kitchen. We grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the kitchen table. The race track was set. On the left: boxes and wrapping paper. On the right: scissors and tape. Pine scented candles and holiday music served as happy spectators. The oven timer served as the referee that would blow his whistle in the two hours, right before the kids came home from school. “On your mark, get set, go!” he laughed. “And remember to save the receipts in case we have to return anything.” As the race against time began, I admired the gifts. We carefully…

  • Life Lessons

    My Disney World Expedition

    “Mom…” that tone in her voice announced a petition. “What?” I responded bracing myself when I noticed her brother and sister behind her. “We think it’s time we go back to Disney.” “Are you kidding me? I still have PTSD from last time!” They laughed out loud. I didn’t think it was funny. “Mom, they have new rides that you’ll love!” her sister added. “I don’t want to hear about it,” I said as I turned my attention to the tv show I was watching. Needless to say, I gave in to their request. That was my first  family trip to Disney World with our young adult children. That trip…

  • Life Lessons

    September 11-Behind the Scenes

    I walked into the front office of Center Street Elementary School to drop off my daughter’s forgotten lunchbox. “Someone said a plane just crashed into one of the Twin Towers,” one of the ladies said. We all shrugged it off thinking it was fake news. The bright blue sky and crisp September air on Long Island, NY announced the soon arrival of Autumn. I turned the radio as I drove to work as a Court Interpreter at the county District Court. My blood froze when the reporter confirmed it wasn’t fake news. Confusion reigned as people in the courthouse scurried down the hallways, bumping into each other, looking for answers…