• Life Lessons

    To Wish or to Hope, that is the Question

    “Happy New Year!” Our family and friends sang in unison as we slammed the door on 2022. “Make a wish everybody!” someone chanted. “Let’s hope for a great 2023!” Early the next morning, I plopped in my favorite chair with a gigantic cup of coffee, my Bible and journal. Two words resounded from the night before: “wish” and “hope.” I wondered which one was the best to use to usher in the new year, so I went to Google.  Wish is to have a desire for (something, such as something unattainable, unlikely to happen. (merriam-webster.com)  Hope as “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen; a…

  • Life Lessons

    Are You a Tightrope Walker?

    “Why are you covering your eyes?” my husband asked. “It’ll be over before you know it.” “I can’t look!” I cried, “What if he falls to his death?” We were watching a video of Nik Wallenda walking across a Grand Canyon gorge on a tight rope. My heart raced and stomach curled up in a knot. “Can you hear him?” he asked, “He’s praising and thanking Jesus!” I had to open my eyes to verify the unexpected declaration. In an interview afterwards he declared: “it took every bit of me to stay focused”. He said that dust had accumulated in his contacts and called the walk unusually stressful. However, he…

  • Motherhood

    The Day my Heart Multiplied

    “How am I going to do it?” I cried “I don’t think I can handle it!” It was the night before delivering my second child via C-section. Doubts and fears flooded my mind as I held my two-and-a-half-year-old girl. “What are you talking about?” asked my mom. “How will I be able to divide my heart in two now?” I responded. My mother smiled and placed her hand over mine. “Honey, the love in a mother’s heart doesn’t get divided, it multiplies!” Peace invaded my heart and calmed my restless mind. Early the next morning, I walked into the hospital with newfound confidence and calm. A few hours later, I…

  • Motherhood

    From Mom, With love

    My daughter is getting married today, so in her honor I’m sharing a letter I wrote to her when she got engaged. My Baby Girl, Getting married is a time full of joy, excitement, and tons of planning. A bride (and her mom), want to make sure everything is beautiful and perfect. You and I are about to embark on this wedding planning journey, so I probably won’t have much time to sit down and share with you what’s in my heart. That is the reason for this letter. I believe marriage is like a house that is built by two people, and both must pick the materials to put…

  • Motherhood

    Soccer Moms

    “Hurry up mom!” my son said as he ran out the back door. I grabbed my red cooler, filled with juice boxes and crackers, my coffee mug, my coat and wobbled out the door. Loading the car was always harder when my husband worked on weekends, which happened too often. However, I knew that if I needed help, my fellow soccer moms had me covered. “Why did you have to sign up for snacks today?” he whined as I got in the car, “I’ll get in trouble if I’m late!” I drove a little too fast, pressured by my young copilot. His hair was messy, but his socks and shin…