• Life Lessons

    Are You a Tightrope Walker?

    “Why are you covering your eyes?” my husband asked. “It’ll be over before you know it.” “I can’t look!” I cried, “What if he falls to his death?” We were watching a video of Nik Wallenda walking across a Grand Canyon gorge on a tight rope. My heart raced and stomach curled up in a knot. “Can you hear him?” he asked, “He’s praising and thanking Jesus!” I had to open my eyes to verify the unexpected declaration. In an interview afterwards he declared: “it took every bit of me to stay focused”. He said that dust had accumulated in his contacts and called the walk unusually stressful. However, he…

  • Life Lessons


    “Dad wants you to take this.” I handed my son a pill along with a glass of water. He stretched out his hand to grab the medicine without taking his eyes off of the TV, swallowed it and gave me  the empty glass. “Incredible!” I said to my husband. “His 9-year-old mind doesn’t even question what we’re giving him.” “Yes,” he responded. “He trusts us enough to place his whole life in our hands, knowing without a doubt that we’ll never do anything to hurt him.” Without realizing it, my boy’s thoughtless response reminded me of a truth that the Lord emphasizes throughout the Bible. “Trust in the Lord with…

  • Lecciones de Vida

    El Día que el Rey entró al Salón

    El guía encargado del tour dirigió al grupo al  Salón del Trono Real. “Solo tenemos unas horas para recorrer todo el museo”, le advertí a mi hermana. “Así que apúrate y metete en la línea para ver las joyas y ropas reales.” Escogimos un audio guía para abarcar lo más posible antes que cerraran. El calor veraniego transformaba las interminables filas de visitantes en malgeniados e impacientes monstruos. Yo era una de ellas. De repente mi hermana me pellizcó el brazo. “Que te pasa!” le reclamé. Ella, paralizada como una de las estatuas de mármol del museo, dirigió su mirada a la Puerta. “Atención!” gritó el guardia. “El Rey ha…

  • Life Lessons

    The Day the King walked in the Room

    The tour guide directed the group into the Throne Room, the best exposition in the palace. “Hurry up and get in the line to look at the jewelry and clothes,” I called my sister. “We only have a few hours to visit the rest of the museum.” We chose a self-guided audio tour to squeeze in as much information as possible before the end of the day. The list of important items was way longer than our allotted time, so I raced to cover it all. It was high season, so the museum was filled with tired, grumpy people in mile-long lines. I was one of them. Out of nowhere…

  • Life Lessons

    Lauren’s Story

    “Mom!” my daughter exclaimed, “Lauren has cancer”. For a split second I thought I had heard wrong, but the look on my daughter’s face told me otherwise. “What do you mean cancer? She’s only sixteen and she looks perfectly healthy!” I rushed to call her mom who confirmed the bad news: Lauren had been diagnosed with Lymphoma. “It’s highly curable” she explained, “but it will be a tough season for our family. Only God can give us the strength and wisdom we desperately need to survive this nightmare.” Prayer chains erupted throughout town. Their school set up a fund to help with medical costs and tuition. While her parents were overwhelmed…