Life Lessons

Lessons from a Pie

“My tummy hurts!” my little niece cried as she threw herself on the couch.
“I wonder why you didn’t eat your dinner?” her mom asked, picking up the empty pie dish from the floor.
“Turkey and veggies are not as good as dessert!”

The adults in the room struggled to keep a straight face.

“Honey, not everything we eat, or drink is good for us. Some foods make us strong, and some can make us weak or sick, especially if we eat too much of it!”

She rubbed her tummy and dried her tears.

“I know how she feels,” I said, holding my own stomach.

“I know nobody wants to hear this, especially right after Thanksgiving dinner, but it’s important to remember so we can make good choices.” The young mother added.

“Joking aside, isn’t it the same in our daily life?” my brother said.

“Our emotional health can also be determined by what we put into our mind.”

Watching or listening to the news or talking to a negative person will most likely produce anxiety, fear, and worry.

On the other hand, listening to upbeat music, reading fun or motivational pieces and hanging out with encouraging, positive people provides a boost of confidence and hope.

The Bible encourages us to pay attention to what we think of and what we say

  • Focus your thoughts on what is true, noble, righteous, pure, lovable, or admirable, on some virtue or on something praiseworthy. Phil 4:8 CJB
  • A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” Pr.17:22
  • Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Pr.16:24

Let’s ask ourselves how we feel after talking to someone or reading, listening, or viewing something?

  • Does it give joy and hope OR anxiety and fear?
  • Does it encourage OR weigh down with guilt and shame?
  • Does it strengthen self-worth OR crush self-confidence?

Once we determine the result, we can decide whether to allow it or reject it in our heart, mind, and life.

Hopefully, then, we’ll be able have our pie and eat it too- without getting a tummy ache!


  • Alejandra

    I read this as Mj, Titi and I listen to wonderful latin upbeat music that raises our spirits!!!

    It’s so important to tune in to ourselves and learn to keep those that affect us negatively at a distance.

    Thank you!

  • Maureen

    Thank you for this good reminder! I just had a conversation with my daughter last night. She had been watching a television show that friends of hers at school had encouraged. But we discovered she was fearful, seeming anxious. We decided to watch a portion of the show with her and understood why. Not that it was terrible, but I reminded her that it certainly wasn’t what the Bible says about thinking on those things that are true, pure, and lovely. Then I read this. A sweet and timely reminder.

    • Maria Mackay

      Happy New Year Maureen! I’m so sorry I missed your comment! It’s so hard to remain positive in this crazy world, isn’t it? Your daughter is blessed to have you by her side to point her to Jesus, our only hope and source of peace and positivity. May He bless you and your family richly this new year!