
The Great Exchange

“Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” my husband rushed into the kitchen.
We grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the kitchen table.
The race track was set.
On the left: boxes and wrapping paper. On the right: scissors and tape.

Pine scented candles and holiday music served as happy spectators.

The oven timer served as the referee that would blow his whistle in the two hours, right before the kids came home from school.

“On your mark, get set, go!” he laughed. “And remember to save the receipts in case we have to return anything.”

As the race against time began, I admired the gifts. We carefully picked them out with each of our children in mind. Our favorite part of Christmas was to see their excitement as they opened the packages and celebrated when they discovered their contents. The task was back-hurting and finger stiffening, but worth it.

A great exchange: our gifts for their happiness.

As I placed the presents under the Christmas tree, I remembered another tree, the Old Rugged Cross.

This is where another exchange took place: the blood of Jesus for our forgiveness and salvation. There’s nothing we could ever do to deserve it, achieve it or earn it. All we have to do is accept it.

Hebrews 12:12 says “…for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross…” ASV

How could He feel joy in the middle of such pain?

Maybe His heart leaped with excitement as He pictured us accepting His gift of salvation and the peace, joy, love and the abundant life that comes with it.

The Great Exchange. Except this One comes with a No Return Policy.

May you enjoy a blessed Christmas season!