• Life Lessons

    The Great Exchange

    “Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” my husband rushed into the kitchen. We grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the kitchen table. The race track was set. On the left: boxes and wrapping paper. On the right: scissors and tape. Pine scented candles and holiday music served as happy spectators. The oven timer served as the referee that would blow his whistle in the two hours, right before the kids came home from school. “On your mark, get set, go!” he laughed. “And remember to save the receipts in case we have to return anything.” As the race against time began, I admired the gifts. We carefully…

  • Life Lessons

    Servant or Friend?

    “Did you hear the news? My friend asked. “Queen Elizabeth of England died!” I rushed to the TV and joined millions around the world, to watch news updates, commentaries, and documentaries about Her Majesty’s life. It was late in the day when a documentary about the Queen’s personal life caught my attention. It delved into a day in the life of the Queen, surrounded by many servants, referred to as “Lady-in-waiting.” A servant is a person who performs duties for others, a personal attendant, a person employed in the service of a government, or a devoted and helpful follower or supporter (New Oxford American Dictionary). The term usually implies performing…

  • Life Lessons

    The Day the King walked in the Room

    The tour guide directed the group into the Throne Room, the best exposition in the palace. “Hurry up and get in the line to look at the jewelry and clothes,” I called my sister. “We only have a few hours to visit the rest of the museum.” We chose a self-guided audio tour to squeeze in as much information as possible before the end of the day. The list of important items was way longer than our allotted time, so I raced to cover it all. It was high season, so the museum was filled with tired, grumpy people in mile-long lines. I was one of them. Out of nowhere…

  • Bible Fiction

    A Difficult Secret to Keep

    I just returned from Israel, where I visited the area where Jesus performed this miracle. This story and His Word came alive in my heart! *********************************************************** A laser like ray of sunshine pierced her eyes waking her up to pounding headache from only a few hours of sleep on the floor. The steely fingers of reality gripped her chest and flooded her mind with all the prayers mixed with lullabies that wrestled against her daughter’s moans until the medicine kicked in. The sweetness of frankinse and the licorice scent of myrrh she rubbed on the girl’s forehead still lingered in the air. She sighed as she examined the room through…

  • Life Lessons

    Do you Know Where you’re Going?

    “Follow the arrow, it will direct you to the exit door” the guide said. “You can return tomorrow when the power is restored.” My heart raced as I grabbed my husband’s arm and our little children clutched mine. We tried to follow the guide’s instructions, navigating our way through the darkness of the tunnel and the mute crowd around us. Suddenly, a light flickered up above, forming an arrow pointing to an exit door. After the longest fifteen minutes in my life, we found our way out into the morning sun in the crowded amusement park. Everyone in our group erupted in smiles and sighs of relief. “I thought we’d…