• Life Lessons

    Servant or Friend?

    “Did you hear the news? My friend asked. “Queen Elizabeth of England died!” I rushed to the TV and joined millions around the world, to watch news updates, commentaries, and documentaries about Her Majesty’s life. It was late in the day when a documentary about the Queen’s personal life caught my attention. It delved into a day in the life of the Queen, surrounded by many servants, referred to as “Lady-in-waiting.” A servant is a person who performs duties for others, a personal attendant, a person employed in the service of a government, or a devoted and helpful follower or supporter (New Oxford American Dictionary). The term usually implies performing…

  • Bible Fiction

    The Cave

    The banging of hammers shook me out of my deep sleep. Rays of light exposed my dark reality. “This is the cave!” a man said. “Make sure it’s large enough!” That was music to my ears. I wanted to leap with joy out of that mountain wondering what my purpose would be. Would I provide shelter for hunters, or travelers passing by? Would I hide someone running away from his enemies? How exciting! I’d finally hear people telling late night stories or even planning war strategies, all while getting warm by a fire burning in my belly. “Come on, hurry up!” the same man yelled. “This tomb needs to be…

  • Life Lessons


    “Grandma, why did you do that?” Embarrassment sent heat to my face and punched me in the pit of my stomach. “What?” she responded. “I just wanted to look at the baby.” “You can’t just stop a stranger in a store to look at her baby and then tell her that her baby looks interesting!” I tried to reason with her. “Well, I was just being honest,” she declared “You know newborns are ugly and I didn’t want to be rude!” “But grandma, you need to be careful with what you say,” I pleaded. “Remember yesterday?” “How was I supposed to know that the gentleman at the restaurant was having…

  • The Other Side of Medicine

    Carla’s Rollercoaster Ride

    “Thanks for picking me up, again. I need a new car,” Carla grumbled as she got in her friend Alex’s car.” “Luckily all I have in my agenda today is a boring appointment with my dentist.” Alex offered to wait outside so they could go to lunch afterwards. “I’m so sorry, Carla,” the dentist said as he held her hand. “But that is not a cold sore on your tongue. It’s cancer.” Carla’s chair turned into a monster roller coaster that turned upside down and flipped around. She gripped the arm rests to keep from passing out. “You need surgery to remove it. Additionally, you might require chemotherapy and radiation.…

  • Life Lessons

    What does Love look like Today?

    “Welcome home mom!” my children chanted as I walked into the house, aided by my husband and sister. Pain inside and outside my body debilitated me and made breathing hard. The days following my heart surgery were indescribably tough. However, something happened when I walked through the front door. I found myself in a flower shop, lined with bouquets of red and white roses, yellow and pink daisies, white lilies, red tulips and a pink orchid. “Get well soon” balloons hovered over us as caring visitors. A shower of love and gratitude invaded my body in a way I never expected. Several years ago, I heard missionary Heidi Baker say,…