• Life Lessons

    When all that’s Left is a Naked Tree

    “Happy New Year!” Our house exploded with family and friends hugging and wishing each other the best of everything. As much as I enjoyed the celebrations and gift-giving, I was ready to put everything away and start the new year in a clean and tidy house. Early the next morning I went room by room, putting everything away, living the tree for last. “You missed an ornament,” my husband said pointing to the center of the tree. It was a nativity scene ornament, a gift from some dear friends, hiding behind some branches. “Poor thing,” he added, “Just last night it was shining so bright. After removing the ornaments and…

  • Lecciones de Vida

    El Gran Intercambio

    “Apúrate que no tenemos mucho tiempo!” entro mi esposo corriendo a la cocina. Nos servimos una taza de café y nos dirigimos a la mesa. El escenario estaba listo. A la izquierda: cajas y papel de regalo. A la derecha: Tijeras y tape. Unas candelas con olor a pino y música navideña se unieron como espectadores. El reloj del horno fue designado como juez que soplaría su silbato en dos horas, justo antes de que los niños llegaran de la escuela. “En sus marcas, listos, ¡fuera!” bromeo mi esposo. “Y recuerda guardar los recibos por si tenemos que cambiar o regresar algo.” Admiré los regalos antes que la carrera contra…

  • Life Lessons

    The Great Exchange

    “Hurry up, we don’t have much time!” my husband rushed into the kitchen. We grabbed a cup of coffee and headed to the kitchen table. The race track was set. On the left: boxes and wrapping paper. On the right: scissors and tape. Pine scented candles and holiday music served as happy spectators. The oven timer served as the referee that would blow his whistle in the two hours, right before the kids came home from school. “On your mark, get set, go!” he laughed. “And remember to save the receipts in case we have to return anything.” As the race against time began, I admired the gifts. We carefully…

  • Life Lessons

    Servant or Friend?

    “Did you hear the news? My friend asked. “Queen Elizabeth of England died!” I rushed to the TV and joined millions around the world, to watch news updates, commentaries, and documentaries about Her Majesty’s life. It was late in the day when a documentary about the Queen’s personal life caught my attention. It delved into a day in the life of the Queen, surrounded by many servants, referred to as “Lady-in-waiting.” A servant is a person who performs duties for others, a personal attendant, a person employed in the service of a government, or a devoted and helpful follower or supporter (New Oxford American Dictionary). The term usually implies performing…

  • Lecciones de Vida

    Lecciones de un Pastel

    “Me duele la barriga!” gritó mi sobrinita al mismo tiempo que se tiraba en el sofá. “Ahora entiendo por qué no te terminaste tu cena,” dijo su mamá mientras limpiaba restos de pastel del piso. “El pavo y los vegetales no son tan ricos como el postre mamá!” Los demás adultos en la sala hicimos un gran esfuerzo por no reírnos. “Pero hijita,” le respondió su mamá mientras le sobaba la pancita y le secaba sus lágrimas. “No todo lo que comemos o tomamos es bueno para nosotros. Hay comidas que nos hacen fuertes y nos dan energía. Otras nos pueden enfermar, especialmente si comemos mucho.” “Entiendo exactamente cómo se…